Living and Learning

A New Ruusan

The terraforming on Ruusan has begun- it’s beginning to look liveable again.  Not like the Ruusan that had been my beloved home, but at least someplace that wasn’t going to be completely toxic to everything.  With the vong technology that I don’t quite understand, it’s actually becoming green.  The mushrooms taller than I am are still a bit unnerving, however.

Zack landed his new.. latest? ship planetside when we flew down there with one of our new hopefuls, Rellex.  Rellex and I explored a bit, finding a strange entryway into the mountain, but we were distracted by Master Zoffa’s appearance.  I took them both back to the camp site that Zack had erected and we sat and ate with them, taking part in a rousing conversation with the padawan Aruetti about burning out vs. just getting burnt.  I don’t believe he understood what we were trying to tell him, but he will, eventually. 

I’ve been spending as much time as I possibly can honing my skills, both hand to hand as well as with my saber.  I’m hoping to put my studies to good use soon, when my new saber is completed.  The hand to hand is coming along very well, I look forward to learning more and more.  Plus I have a cheeky husband who needs taking down a notch… with as much as he’s won our sparring matches, it just gives me more drive to improve.

Between spars I’ve been spending time reading the Council library.  I consider this serious business, being given this chance by the Council, and so I’m doing everything I can to help to make the order successful.

2 responses

  1. Hey, I just discovered that blog. Nice to see we’re not the only ones blogging on SWRP regularly.

    We made few post about the terraformation of Ruusan as well.

    October 14, 2010 at 12:33 pm

  2. Kira Vel

    Oh great, I’ll make sure to go read it!

    – Kira Vel

    October 15, 2010 at 1:25 pm

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